
There are many resources for more information. Here are a few of our recommendations.

Organizations & Websites



FixingMyGazeSusanBarry Fixing My Gaze

A Scientists Journey Into Seeing in 3 Dimensions
by Susan Barry, PhD

ThinkingGOesToSchool XHW100

Thinking Goes to School

by Hans G. Furth and Harry Wachs, OD

Jillians Story 13131105

Jillian’s Story

How Vision Therapy Changed My Daughter’s Life
by Robin Benoit

ReflexesLearningAndBehavior index

Reflexes, Learning, and Behavior

by Sally Goddard Blythe

eyesForLearning 41dQfhw-mqL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_

Eyes for Learning

Preventing and Curing Vision-Related Learning Problems
by Antonia Orfield

The well balanced child L

The Well Balanced Child

Movement and Early Learning
by Sally Goddard Blythe


When Your Child Struggles

The Myths of 20/20 Vision by Dr. David Cook, OD

Suddenly Successful

How Behavioral Optometry Helps You Overcome Learning, Health, and Behavior Problems
by Hazel Richmond Dawkins, Dr. Ellis Edelman, OD, Dr. Constantine Forkiotis, OD