What Ages Can Benefit from Vision Therapy?

Ages 3-5

For preschool children, their visual system is still developing; therefore, it is too early to pursue a Vision Therapy program.  We have developed a program specifically for this age group to help with visual development in preparation for Kindergarten.

The Visual Development for Preschoolers program will help to guide your child in general movement activities to enhance vision in a “whole child” approach— working with gross motor, balance (vestibular), laterality, fine motor, and eye movement activities.  Best of all, we do so in a way that is fun and engaging for the child.

Click here for more information

Take a look at Visual Development for Preschoolers

Ages 6-18

1 in 4 children face a vision problem severe enough to affect school performance.

Vision Therapy at Home gets to the root cause of vision-related learning problems.  By addressing the root cause, your child will start to see improved school performance, better reading, and less frustration to name a few…

The benefits of a strong, efficient visual system can increase quality of life by leaps and bounds.  This is an investment in a lifetime of better vision.  The return on that investment is valuable beyond measure.

Take the Symptom Checklist to see if your child could benefit.  Take the Checklist now!

Take a look at Vision Therapy at Home


It’s never too late to improve the way you learn, work, and play.

The same visual issues that can hold back a child in school can also hold you back in your career, your social life, and your hobbies as an adult.

Vision Therapy at Home can help you achieve your goals.

Take a look at Vision Therapy at Home