Why is Visual Development Important?

The visual system matures through development, with the majority of that development happening during infancy and early childhood.  Many different factors can interfere with the proper development of the visual system.  Childhood illnesses, head trauma or injury, complications during delivery or pregnancy, inherited traits and environmental factors are all examples of things that can contribute to incomplete development of the visual system.

There are many important things for your child to learn in the years between birth and entering school.  Children learn more and at a faster rate during these years than at any other comparable period in their lives.  This is a time for developing the basic skills of walking, talking, and learning how to learn.  It is a time when your child is developing control of his body, his feelings, his thoughts, and his actions.


We know that play affects visual development and visual development affects play.  Play teaches a child what the world is and how he responds to it forms him as an individual.  While a child plays, he is strengthening not only his muscles, but also strengthening his perceptions, learning new skills, letting off excess energy, trying out different solutions to problems, and learning how to deal with other people.

Without good visual development, a child will develop functional visual problems which will influence his or her learning, motor abilities, and cognitive function as they progress through school and in later life.


Visual Development for Preschoolers (Ages 3-6)

Help your child take the next step towards better visual development!  Don’t let your child be left behind.