What Ages Can Benefit from Vision Therapy?

Ages 3-5
The Visual Development for Preschoolers program will help to guide your child in general movement activities to enhance vision in a “whole child” approach— working with gross motor, balance (vestibular), laterality, fine motor, and eye movement activities. Best of all, we do so in a way that is fun and engaging for the child.
Take a look at Visual Development for Preschoolers

Ages 6-18
Vision Therapy at Home gets to the root cause of vision-related learning problems. By addressing the root cause, your child will start to see improved school performance, better reading, and less frustration to name a few…
The benefits of a strong, efficient visual system can increase quality of life by leaps and bounds. This is an investment in a lifetime of better vision. The return on that investment is valuable beyond measure.
Take the Symptom Checklist to see if your child could benefit. Take the Checklist now!
Take a look at Vision Therapy at Home

The same visual issues that can hold back a child in school can also hold you back in your career, your social life, and your hobbies as an adult.
Vision Therapy at Home can help you achieve your goals.